Whitby Residential
Snow Removal Services❄️

Local Residential Snow Shoveling

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At Landscaping Whitby, we use shovels and rubber-paddle snow blowers to ensure thorough snow removal while protecting your driveways and walkways. Unlike traditional metal auger snow blowers or plows, our rubber paddles gently clear surfaces without causing scratches, cracks, or damage to concrete, asphalt, or interlocking pavers. This approach guarantees effective snow removal while preserving the integrity and longevity of your property.

home hours

Same Day Estimates! Email, Text, or Call.

Open: Monday to Sunday: 7am to 10pm
Residential snow shovelling, commercial snow plowing 


Interested in our services? We would be happy to answer all your snow removal questions seven days a week. Connect with us on Facebook! 

Offering reliable residential & commercial snow plowing services for Whitby & Brooklin.

Whitby Snow Removal - Serving Durham Region

  • General Repairs
  • Monthly & Per visit Billing
  • Residential Snow Removal with Shovels & Blowers
  • Commercial Parking Lot Plowing
  • Storm Clean-Up
  • WSIB Coverage
  • Fully Insured 

Free estimates for residential & commercial snow removal.
Includes walkways, sidewalks, and porches.

Residential snow shovelling


Residential Driveway, Walkway, Sidewalk Shoveling Snow Blowers. 


Friendly staff respect your property and clients.


snow plowing services

Exterior Services

Protect your driveway, we do not use plows for residential driveways. 


Proudly Serving: WhitbyBrooklin & Durham Region Ontario.

Call or text: (905) 447-4222 to book a free estimate.